As I hung my American flag out on the front of my house this morning, my father's face flashed before me. But it wasn't his 81 year old face that I saw for the last time before he went to be with Jesus that I was remembering. It was this picture of him that was in my mind. This wonderful handsome picture of my precious daddy.
My father was one of the many thousands upon thousands of men who served in our military. My dad was in the Army Air Corps some 70 odd years ago. I wish I could remember all of the stories that he used to tell me, but I was younger then and didn't really realize how important those stories would be to me once he was gone and I was older.
But all I want to do tonight is to simply say THANKS DAD AND ALL YOU OTHER VETERANS all across these great United States for your service to all of us.
It is because of your willingness to serve that we continue to enjoy our freedom. Whether you serve in the trenches, in the desert, behind a desk, in a tank, in a truck, in a plane, on a ship, in the USA or a foreign country....
I salute you!
YOU give us a reason to celebrate July 4th and our independance. I thank you for sacrificing your life, your time, your comforts, your families and everything in between to serve in our military forces.
May the hand of God Almighty keep you safe, provide your every need, and bless you and your family for all that you do for all of us.
"Tonight, I thank You God for those who lay down their lives to keep this country free. I honor you Dad and I wish you were here, so that one more time, I could wrap my arms around you and tell you how grateful to God I am for you. I miss you Dad and I will always be proud to have been chosen by God to be YOUR daughter. Thank you Dad, for your love for our country, our freedom and what our flag stands for. It is YOUR old flag that I hung outside this morning Dad. You would have liked that. Thanks God, you have been good to me and to our country."
"And I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me
And I'd gladly stand up next to you
And defend her still today
Cause there ain't doubt I love this land
God bless the USA."
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