Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How BIG is Your Bottle?

Sometimes I wonder how many more tears can fall from my eyes...

Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever stop...

I wonder if You see me....if you notice the number of them.

And then I read....

"You number my wanderings; Put my tears into Your bottle; Are they not in Your book?"
Psalm 56:8

Lord, HOW BIG IS YOUR BOTTLE that you catch my tears in???

It must be big must be so big.....

Because my tears are so many.

Thank You for loving me so much that you even care about each tear, every tear, that falls from my eyes. I love you Jesus.

1 comment:

trish said...

When we cry, we use our tears to rid our inside of that which needs not be there. When we stop we recognize we feel cleaner, freer, more aware that life goes on, some things will never change, hurts will always come and go, but I have and extra bottle just for you to help catch the tears and to go on in HIS love with love, care and understanding. Love you.