Thursday, July 9, 2009

Puttin' It In Perspective

Today, my dear friend was told by the oncology doctor that she possibly does not have more than a year to live and probably much shorter.......but ONLY GOD knows that for sure.

While I scurry to make cookies...

While I stress that the vacumming isn't done...

While I spend hours looking for the "right" new shoes....

While I waste away my time doing useless things....

My dear friend, and millions more across this globe, are dying. Oh yes, I know you would say that we are all dying, more or less. But until you've been told "about" how long you have to live, it doesn't seem to sink in that our days are numbered on this earth. We busy ourselves with daily tasks letting life pass us by, forgetting that we are only here for an appointed amount of time.

This news today has certainly "PUT IT ALL IN PERSPECTIVE" for me. Let's face it, what "REALLY IS IMPORTANT" in this life? What is not??

Let us worship our Savior on this earth while there is breath within us....
Let us spread the Gospel while we still can....
Let us "prefer our brother ABOVE ourselves" while the sun is still shining...
Let us love the unlovable, feed those who are hungry and minister to all we come in contact with......while we still have breath within us.

PUTTIN' IT IN PERSPECTIVE.....those truly unimportant things that I stress about don't add up to a hill of beans!



AngelRhoden said...

this makes me ready to "make a scene", time is too short, so I will try

"Virtuous Wannabe" said...

So true Barb....I am so sorry to hear this about your friend, but I know that you are "an instrument in the Redeemer's hands"....I can't wait to see the big picture one day. Your right, our time on earth is so short in the grand scheme of things...