Saturday, April 25, 2009

Shack on The Rock

Home sweet home.....

No doubt, some of our homes are "sweeter" than others and I don't mean have more sugar in them either! Some people live in shacks, some in middle class homes and others live in castles. All across this globe, we see people at different places on the finanical ladder.

I'm not a real smart woman, but this I do know....

"I'll take a shack on THE ROCK over a castle in the sand" any day of the week. Casting Crowns penned these lines in 2003 in their song American Dream. These words have weighed heavy on my mind as I look around and see so many people so interested in having a castle but forgetting the God who gives us all the ability to afford that castle. If having a castle means living without Christ, then you can have it!

I'm thankful for my little "Shack on THE ROCK." It's not much, but it's built on the Rock of Jesus Christ and I'd rather be living in my shack than be living in a fabulous castle that's built on sinking sand.

Thanks God for my isn't much...but it's built on YOU...that makes it more valuable than gold!

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