Thursday, April 9, 2009

His ARMS Are Under You

"The eternal God is your refuge, and his everlasting arms are under you." Deut.33:27


Let that thought sink in a minute....His ARMS are UNDER you! What an assurance to anyone who is struggling....and who isn't?

His arms will catch me when I fall....His arms will support me when I'm weary....His arms will carry me when I can no longer walk....His arms will always be UNDER me, undergirding me! WHEW!!! HALLEJUJAH! THANK YOU FATHER GOD!

Today, remember that HIS mighty arms are UNDER you. It doesn't matter what you are going through, He is supporting you. Let Him carry you, He is much stronger than you. Rest in those arms of His. Remember, HE is your refuge. RUN to Him and let Him hold you.

"Oh God, there are so many who are tired and feel as though they cannot go on another step. Thank you for those mighty arms that you have so lovingly placed under us. You are our strength Lord Jesus. You are our refuge. Carry those who are hurting and give them peace."

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