Monday, December 7, 2009

I'm Like a Tree!

"But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy of God
forever and ever." Psalms 52:8

Olive trees endure. They continue to produce fruit even after hundreds of years. They remind me of the solid saints we see in our church, who after many years of trials, hardships, joys and sorrows...endure because they trust in the mercy of their mighty God and yet, they continue to produce wonderful fruit. They stand solid in their faith, enduring the test of time and weather because they know the Source of their strength and the fruit flows.

I want to be an enduring tree in the house of God. I want to continue to shed fruit from my branches, all to the glory of God.

"God, help me continue to produce fruit, sweet tasting fruit that honors You. I need You Lord, every second I breath, I need You to sustain me. I cannot make it without You."

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