Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Feeling Normal....

I have just finished reading Debbie S. and Angel R.'s blogs. Normally, I don't read anyone else's blogs just before I blog myself so as not to be influenced or be redundant of what someone else has said. But tonight, I must say, they both blessed my heart and I've just got to comment.

Debbie S. admitted some hidden truths. NO, they weren't anything of the "OMG CALL THE LAW" type or anything....just small stuff. But the "stuff" she admitted are things we all tend to hide or say don't bother us or deny that we do. Again, nothing horrible or anything, just small, even silly stuff, but truths about ourselves that we often don't want to divulge. I saw myself in what she wrote and it felt know....good like how it feels when you climb into bed between fresh newly washed sheets and pull your favorite soft blanket up over you. THAT kind of good.

And then there was Angel R.'s blog, filled with "what if's" about 2010. She blessed my heart with her boldness regarding her children and her yearning for more of Christ and what could happen if she spent more time eating His Manna. Gosh, it was good.

After reading their blogs, I'm FEELING NORMAL, which doesn't happen often for me!! FEELING NORMAL seems to be something I've never really strived for as I've always felt since I was a child that I "marched to the beat of a different drummer." I didn't want to look like or be like everyone else, I just wanted to be myself. I didn't care if I fit in or not, I just wanted to be me. I'm not sure who that drummer is or what he believed, but I KNEW he was, well......different and so am I. But tonight, for a few moments, I'm FEELING NORMAL and for a few minutes, it felt rather good to "fit in" with others who are "different" and have some of the same thoughts, feelings and hidden stuff just like me.

Thanks felt good to be normal for a few moments! LOVE YOU BOTH!


AngelRhoden said...

I'm so thankful you've got the different drummer thing going on. You are a blessing to my family because of it!

Randy said...

Barb: You know I love reading your blogs; I haven't been reading them much the last two weeks, but just read this one and the new years day one. Amen & Amen!!! Keep looking to Jesus and as Eddie said Wednesday nite, just want to grow closer to him this year.