Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pumpkin Shaped Sugar Cookies

Life is good. Well, at least, life is what we make it and tonight, life is good.

I have the privilege of staying with my son and daughter-in-laws 5 children (1 of them ALMOST an adult actually!!!) while they are in Atlanta for a couple days.

As I prepared dinner and they went about their evening activities, I sat back and simply watched them. I thought about how different their lives are compared to what mine was when I was their age so very many years ago.

But one thing never changes with children....they all LOVE cookies right out of the oven! Talk about a tickled bunch of kids when I took those PUMPKIN SHAPED SUGAR COOKIES out of the oven! It was just adorable. Children never really change as each decade goes by. They love just as sweetly, smile just as tenderly, hug just as tightly, sleep just as peacefully, get in trouble about the same things, talk just as fast, express themselves the same and enjoy PUMPKIN SHAPED SUGAR COOKIES just as much now as I did when MY Grandma used to make them for me.

THAT'S the part I "really" love.....you know, that they would still love the very same things that I did when my own Grandma did them for me. It gives me those warm fuzzy feelings inside. You know, the ones that make you feel all is well with the world??? :)

Tonight, as I lock the doors, pray for and tuck in each one of them and turn out the lights, I'm thankful God has allowed me this gift. I'm thankful for them and for PUMPKIN SHAPED SUGAR COOKIES and for yet another opportunity to spend lots of time with them. Life is incredibly short....the time to enjoy them is now. I'm so blessed.

1 comment:

AngelRhoden said...

I hope your time with them was blessed, Barb. I know you are a blessing to them in ways that they will continue to remember as they become adults. You plant the good stuff in kids!