Sunday, August 16, 2009

Seasons of Life

The SEASONS OF LIFE are truly so short. As each one passes and our age begins to catch up with us, we realize just how short each season really was.

Wasn't it just yesterday that I learned to ride my bicycle? Didn't I just pack away my first and only prom dress? Wasn't it just a few years ago that I said, "I do?" Can it be nearly 37 years ago that I heard my first of 3 babies cry?

Now I am in the "over 55" SEASON OF LIFE. It's like my senses are awakening more than ever before. Every sweet sound, be it the sound of one of my grandchildren's voices, the sound the chickadee makes or the rain on the roof, they are so much sweeter to me than ever before.

Chocolate tastes better, possessions mean less, family means more, each hour is more cherished, each new dawn another gift that I've been given. In this SEASON OF LIFE, I seem to understand the value of life more, I cherish it more deeply and am in tune with people more precisely. When I look into the eyes of another, I see more because I take the time to see more. I'm slower, but I'm more aware than ever before.

Time is so sweet, conversations like gemstones, phone calls from my children are like Christmas gifts, sunrises are like paintings personally done for me by my Savior. Life is good, life is good but it's because I see it more clearly now, more completely, more like it should be seen all along only I was too young and selfish to see it back then.

In this SEASON OF MY LIFE, I want to thank God for helping me see clearer the significance and meaning of this indescribable gift that He's given I also want to thank Mary for helping to teach me, through her illness, that life is short. I do not think that we can ever grasp that fact until we are told that we do not have many days to live. Being with her every day, watching her health fail and seeing her do everything she can to drink in every last drop of life before she lives it on this earth no more, has changed me.

Oh God, the Giver of Life and the Restorer of my soul, I thank You for this SEASON OF LIFE that I am in. I appreciate it Lord, more than mere words can say but you know my heart God. Help me to embrace every second and keep my mind steadfast on You. In the meantime God, I will cherish this SEASON OF LIFE that I am in.
I love you.


1 comment:

martha stewart impersonator said...

amen sister
If you have ever noticed my blog is "I think it was yesterday" because it feels like it was just yesterday. yesterday that I brought Missy home from the hospital in Memphis, Tn and now I am going to be YaYa to a granson!!
I am still in awe of how absolutely awesome and faithful God is and I am so grateful for what he has given to my children that I will praise him till I draw my last breath.
I love you barb and your blog.