I'm not exactly sure what is going on within myself, but I have found myself doing an extreme amount of reminiscing lately. Maybe this is normal for a 55 year SENIOR citizen, I just don't know. Since this is the first time in my life that I've been this age, I don't know what to expect!!! But, fact is, I've done a lot of it. I find my mind wandering back to my childhood and remembering things that I hadn't thought of in a long long time. Maybe it's because my own children are grown and gone and now my life is all about my grandchildren and it's hitting home with me more and more that I'm not getting any younger. Having said all that, I found myself thinking a lot about the many animals I had as a girl and the joy they brought me.
This little guy in this picture was my very best friend in the whole world. I believe my parents got him for me when I was 8 or so for Christmas and I think I was about 10 or 11 in this picture. YEP...THAT'S ME!!! (STOP LAUGHING!!!!!!:) He was my instant best buddy. His name was Whiskers and I adored this dog. I still have the reel to reel recording that they made of me on Christmas morning as they presented me with Whiskers.
When my parents divorced and I had to live with a family I didn't know (long story that I won't go into right now), Whiskers was the only living thing that came along with me to this unknown place. This dog heard all my secrets, listened to all my heartaches and had millions of tears dripped on his little head during that time. Life was a struggle then but Whiskers was my escape, my friend and my confidante.
All my life, I have loved all animals deeply. They have always soothed something deep within me, allowed me to express love for God's wonderful creations that they are and brought me extreme joy. There have been very few times in my life that I have been without a dog and I hope I'll never be without one.
Whiskers was my best friend for the years I had him. I know it sounds ridiculous to some, but I thank God for that four legged friend who helped me get through those sad and scary years of my parents divorce. I loved that dog with my whole heart and always felt he was God's gift to me to help me cope.
Thanks for the memories Whiskers. Of all my four legged friends, you were the best.
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