Saturday, August 7, 2010

Pass the Salt Please!

Salt....most everyone loves it! It seasons just about everything well and seems to inhance the flavor of so many foods. It can be used for more than just seasoning food. Here are some of its' many uses...

Salt can clean a stained a coffee pot
Salt can kill weeds
Salt can soothe a bee sting
Salt can put out a grease fire
Salt can help keep your windows frost free in winter
Salt can keep your wicker furniture from yellowing
Salt can remove water stains from your wood furniture
Salt can clean your fishtank

There are dozens and dozens of interesting uses for salt that I just learned myself.

BUT....THE most useful and interesting use for salt is not found in our homes but found in the Word of God....

"Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with SALT, so that you may know how to answer everyone." Colossians 4:6

When we think of SALT, we don't think of seasoning our conversation with it, but the Word tells us the importance of paying close attention to our speech.

"Lord, help us remember every time we open our mouth, to let our conversation be full of grace and seasoned with salt. There are many who hear us every day Lord. Let our words reflect the love we have for You so that the Gospel might be spread."


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