We, at RRC, are so blessed to have many who are COMMITTED.
Commitment seems to be difficult for many, but for those who are solid as a rock in the commitmentedness (is that a word???)....I want to thank you!
This week, we saw Bobby and Donna head up an incredible VBS program that was off the charts great! I do not mean to not mention ALL of the others who were COMMITTED every night to being there, but I do want to specifically thank these two for their dedication and love for our children.
On the last night, since our girls won the Pennies for Missions drive, Donna got to throw a pie in Bobby's face!!! BUT.....Bobby ended up getting Donna too! It was great!
Also on the last night, the children were told to GO FISH! Fishing as in sharing the Gospel with others and spreading the Good News! The snack that night was a pretzel rod, a red licorice twist, a spoonful of white icing and some cracker Goldfish. They were asked to tie the licorice onto their pretzel rod, stick some icing on the end of their "line" and GO FISH! I loved ending the week with this concept being taught to my grandchildren. Karli, Easton and Titus attended and it tickled my heart to know the powerful lessons they were being taught, as well as all the other children.
THANKS RRC....to all you who were COMMITTED this week and accomplished the task of teaching our children well. Only in years to come will the fruits of your labor be known.
And for the rest of us.....the question must be asked....what is holding you back from making a commitment to our church and its' ministries??? Maybe this is the week to ask God for direction in where He'd like you to COMMIT.
Thanks God for those who are COMMITTED!!
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